Dev note.

Hi everyone, I'm usually more active in our game discord, but I'm going to make an exception this time. Many things happened, bad things, good things, bad things... Anyway, I wanted to take the opportunity to say a few things, since this is the last part of chapter 1.
For those who don't know, ASA was my first game project, and when I started I had 0 notion of how to use the maker, which means that a lot of things were done improvised (especially the prologue.....). ASA wasn't always what it is today, a lot has changed from the original idea to what you know today, maybe one day when I'm in a good mood I'll tell you.
As I said before, a lot happened... People would normally be upset, but I think "you can't learn to ride a bike without scraping your knee", all the things that happened helped me improve, both in the development of game (programming, writing, history) as well as drawing. I must also thank the people who supported me from the beginning, without them my work would be much more difficult...
Now about the future of ASA... I have a lot planned, the idea is to do between 4~5 chapters, all full of slime, story, plot twists and lots of food, of course. But nothing specifically planned, just a cluster of ideas that I need to put together to form something, like sewing a rug. And before you ask "when is the next update coming out?" The answer is: I have no idea. As I said before, a large part of the game was made improvised, which means that, if I want to avoid a headache in the future, I need to solve this now. Furthermore, I intend to add some things that will add something to the game, modify some maps, in short, several changes.
I should say more things, but I don't want to write a dissertation, I don't think you want to read that much. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say, I hope you can enjoy this crazy slime idea, see you some other day.
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heyhey, i searchig for a development group i can work with and want to ask if u can need someone for gamedesing/programming? even if not keep your head up and i look forward to next updat of your development^^
Do you use discord?
yes, u can serch for the same name